This is my first blog post on my new website! I am mostly using this as a template in order to fully understand how to navigate website building in order to utilize the full capability of HTML/CSS. But, if you haven’t already visited the “About” page, my name is Nate Joseph. I am a computer engineering and computer science student at the University of Miami, and my passion is programming. As of this blog post, I am entering the summer before junior year, and decided to start a new personal project, that is, this website. In my opinion, creating a website with code available on GitHub is the perfect way to show progress. The best part about having a blog/portfolio is that I can go further into depth about things that I have attended/worked on, without having to write a summary (like on my resume), or worry too much about the length (like on a Linkedin post). With that being said, I thank you for visiting my site, and I hope you visit often to follow my work.

If you would like to contact me, my Linkedin is, and my email/github are below.